The Handcraft Store

A platform for individuals to raise money for their local charities by selling the hand-made goods and services. We may be stuck at home, but we’re not out of the fight!

Everybody has a skill, hobby, or passion that can raise funds for a cause, whether it’s knitting, woodworking, art, or even teaching a cooking/painting/music lesson. The Handcraft Store provides a platform for people to sell their creations, and raise money for the charity of their choice. One individual can make a difference, and, many such individuals can and are changing the world.


If you’re interested in perusing the handcraft store to see what individuals are creating, check out the Fundraising page linked above. Details on how to purchase items are located in posts there.

All profits from the items sold through CoronaWarriors will be donated to the charity. The specific charity will be stated in each post.


If you’re interested in having your own project on the Handcraft Store, fill out this short form:

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